Passive Aggressive Husband

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How passive aggressive resistance to growth destroys any remaining love

toxic relationship

Sometimes married women write to me asking for advice for desperate situations… Hubby’s silence and lack of decision-making drive them into a wall. There is a difference between doing silence as a unique way of dealing with a challenging situation and doing passive aggression as a way to stop and control the normal life in […]

The “Passive Aggressive Behavior” Meaning

When people ask: “what is the meaning of passive-aggressive?”  After so many conversations about the passive-aggressive meaning we have had here, today I want to spell it in very clear terms:  When people ask: “what is the meaning of passive-aggressive?”  the simple and direct answer is: “Passive-aggressive behavior is a purposeful and disguised way of expressing […]

Are Passive Aggressive Holidays Making You Miserable?

If you are living in a passive aggressive marriage, do you feel like you just can’t stand another holiday with this person  but can’t imagine spending a holiday alone?   The holidays often bring on a confusing increase in passive aggressive behaviors, as well as a heightened sensitivity to the pain these behaviors inflict, making you question […]