Passive Aggressive Husband

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Five ways to use direct talk with a passive aggressive husband

Five tricks to use straight talk with a passive-aggressive husband.     While it is difficult to be a partner of a man who continually frustrates you with his passive-aggressive behavior, there are some things that a woman can do to break into his noninvolvement pattern. There must be a way to end the loneliness, […]

Wishing to let go of the abusive husband in your life?

letting go of abuse

Wishing to let go of the abusive husband in your life? I know, I was thinking in the same vein…perhaps planning how to let go of old grudges and repair or forgive old hurts? Or perhaps stopping them from happening now for good? This season invites us to do this process of cleaning up what […]

How passive aggressive resistance to growth destroys any remaining love

toxic relationship

Sometimes married women write to me asking for advice for desperate situations… Hubby’s silence and lack of decision-making drive them into a wall. There is a difference between doing silence as a unique way of dealing with a challenging situation and doing passive aggression as a way to stop and control the normal life in […]