Passive Aggressive Husband

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An example of toxic relationship in action!

This is a real example of a toxic relationship from a reader: “Last night my husband said that he really never wanted to do the same things that I did, so he pretended he did want them first and then shot them down so he enjoyed the feeling of control. He has admitted that over […]

Five ways to use direct talk with a passive aggressive husband

Five tricks to use straight talk with a passive-aggressive husband.     While it is difficult to be a partner of a man who continually frustrates you with his passive-aggressive behavior, there are some things that a woman can do to break into his noninvolvement pattern. There must be a way to end the loneliness, […]

How to test if you are a Passive Aggressive Husband

Are you a passive-aggressive husband? Miscommunication in marriage is a common problem. Men and women, depending on the ways they were raised or how their parents communicated, can both talk in ways that don’t always fit the bill for making communication easy and comfortable for both. Often, men are accused of not being “open” enough, […]