Passive Aggressive Husband

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Forgiving yourself to start relationship repair?

relationship repair

Forgiving yourself starts relationship repair! I know that sometimes, you feel at the end of your rope….tired and empty from being in a poor relationship. It gets even worst in this time of the year, with so many pictures of happy families…like you have to face the very image of what is painfully missing from […]

Learning how to love and connect, to have a healthy relationship!

All this year, working on some issues about how to love and connect, we have developed a line of thinking that goes like this: We all have different humans needs, modulated in the shapes that our attachment provided for us. We all have needs for love and connection, but you will express them normally if […]

How to Deal with an Abusive Husband

 Want to know how to deal with an abusive husband?   When we did a recent survey about the impact of your husband’s behavior on your own emotional situation, the results show a consistent perception of not being loved, or worst feeling openly rejected. That, combined with some isolation from your loved ones, due to […]