Healing the hurt done by emotional abuse
Are you living with emotional abuse at home? Emotional abuse creeps into a relationship bit by bit…now a bad word, a curse, or a negative comment done in public, and then it escalates into full-blown abuse. As long as the relationship has to develop and foster both sides growth and learning, one side can […]
Is Your Love Story Rooted in Your Attachment Style?

How much our present love is rooted in an old attachment style? When we fall in love, the influence of this powerful emotion in us makes our perception to expand. Feeling secure and trusting, we tell each other everything; and our frustrations and negative experiences go away. We feel alive, smarter, sexier, and expansive to […]
Get more appreciation on Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day invites us to ask: How is our relationship doing? Is there any spark left? Is it the sanctuary against life’s storms we dream it to be? Can we safely express positive emotions to each other? Regardless of the testing and evaluative questions we ask ourselves, remember that there are some deep wishes […]