Passive Aggressive Husband

How to Deal with an Abusive Husband

 Want to know how to deal with an abusive husband?   When we did a recent survey about the impact of your husband’s behavior on your own emotional situation, the results show a consistent perception of not being loved, or worst feeling openly rejected. That, combined with some isolation from your loved ones, due to […]

Healing the hurt done by emotional abuse

  Are you living with emotional abuse at home? Emotional abuse creeps into a relationship bit by bit…now a bad word, a curse, or a negative comment done in public, and then it escalates into full-blown abuse. As long as the relationship has to develop and foster both sides growth and learning, one side can […]

Passive Aggressive Attachment

What is a passive aggressive attachment? Passive aggressive behavior from a husband is not a reaction to the present wife or the present relationship; rather, it is a learned model of interpersonal attachment, wired in a person’s brain early in life. It is a pattern learned from the interaction with the mother or caretaker, who […]