Passive Aggressive Husband

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Forgiving yourself to start relationship repair?

relationship repair

Forgiving yourself starts relationship repair! I know that sometimes, you feel at the end of your rope….tired and empty from being in a poor relationship. It gets even worst in this time of the year, with so many pictures of happy families…like you have to face the very image of what is painfully missing from […]

The “Passive Aggressive Behavior” Meaning

When people ask: “what is the meaning of passive-aggressive?”  After so many conversations about the passive-aggressive meaning we have had here, today I want to spell it in very clear terms:  When people ask: “what is the meaning of passive-aggressive?”  the simple and direct answer is: “Passive-aggressive behavior is a purposeful and disguised way of expressing […]

Are Passive Aggressive Holidays Making You Miserable?

If you are living in a passive aggressive marriage, do you feel like you just can’t stand another holiday with this person  but can’t imagine spending a holiday alone?   The holidays often bring on a confusing increase in passive aggressive behaviors, as well as a heightened sensitivity to the pain these behaviors inflict, making you question […]