Passive Aggressive Husband

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The pain of living with a narcissistic husband?

Talking about the pain of living with a narcissistic husband   Are You Married To a Narcissistic Husband?     There is no other situation as marriage to allow an intimate view of the person at your side. It is through daily interaction that you get the behavioral bits that will make your definitive image […]

How to improve living with a narcissistic partner, part II

Is living with a narcissistic partner impossible? Once you have done step number 1, and  feel that you are in the path of re-building your own center, we need to talk about addressing the challenge of living with a narcissistic partner from another more creative perspective. It means watching this person not as the source […]

Why Does a Narcissistic Husband Reject Sex?

Are you wondering what’s the core issue with a narcissistic husband? Here is a very short description: There is a harsh competition between his interest in himself and the degree of care he has for others. In conflict resolution, we look at how those main interests balance and support each other. If you care for […]