Passive Aggressive Husband

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Forgiving yourself to start relationship repair?

relationship repair

Forgiving yourself starts relationship repair! I know that sometimes, you feel at the end of your rope….tired and empty from being in a poor relationship. It gets even worst in this time of the year, with so many pictures of happy families…like you have to face the very image of what is painfully missing from […]

If a loved one is excluding you, take care of your emotional needs!

Are Your Loved Ones Excluding You?  Survive the heart pain! When and how is our emotional need for love and connection denied on purpose? If you’ve been reading our blog, you know there are many ways to do this to each other, (cold shoulder, anyone?) and many ways to heal. In the interpersonal relationship field, […]

Is Your Love Story Rooted in Your Attachment Style?

How much our present love is rooted in an old attachment style? When we fall in love, the influence of this powerful emotion in us makes our perception to expand. Feeling secure and trusting, we tell each other everything; and our frustrations and negative experiences go away. We feel alive, smarter, sexier, and expansive to […]