Learning how to love and connect, to have a healthy relationship!
All this year, working on some issues about how to love and connect, we have developed a line of thinking that goes like this: We all have different humans needs, modulated in the shapes that our attachment provided for us. We all have needs for love and connection, but you will express them normally if […]
How to deal with a passive aggressive husband?
How to Deal With a Passive Aggressive Husband? FIRST, THERE IS DISCOVERY: There is a steady progression in the process of realizing the main cause of some spousal behaviors. In this progression, you go slowly discovering what’s is wrong in your marriage. First, you feel that something is odd because you have some feelings […]
Is Your Love Story Rooted in Your Attachment Style?
How much our present love is rooted in an old attachment style? When we fall in love, the influence of this powerful emotion in us makes our perception to expand. Feeling secure and trusting, we tell each other everything; and our frustrations and negative experiences go away. We feel alive, smarter, sexier, and expansive to […]