Passive Aggressive Husband

How A Controlling Husband Can Reduce his Need for Control

Is your husband showing a strong need for control? Here is a little discussed aspect of a passive aggressive relationship: when one person has a strong need for control another person,  doing controlling behavior, and the other resists and escapes doing passive aggression. What is the dynamics involved? This is an egg and chicken dilemma, […]

Verbal Abuse as a Way of Spouse Control

In a toxic relationship, the balance of power is manipulated by one side as to keep the control over the other person’s thoughts and behaviors. In order to make their partner feel inadequate or weak, the controlling person will use verbally abusive tactics as shame, belittling, name-calling and sarcasm. In this way they grab the […]

The more independent I become, the more controlling he gets.

  When I become more independent, he tends to control me more… There is a complementary dynamics between the two parts of a passive aggressive marriage. This posting in a popular forum expresses it very clearly: “I went back to live with him, canceling my divorce, because I’m scared of what he will throw at […]