Having your Conflict Coach helps when changing behaviors

How is having a conflict coach connected with a sporting challenge? Felix Baumgartner faced an almost unthinkable challenge last weekend and of course, the fear that naturally went with it. The challenge and the fear nearly kept him from achieving his incredible goal, a goal that had become mightily important to him despite the risks he […]
Relationships are never frozen but moving ahead…
Sometimes,we see situations as frozen in time…completely fixated and impervious to change. Is really difficult to perceive the constant change we are going through…and it is easy to deny same changes in our partners..Our loved ones are also changing in front of us,and such change will ask from us some adapting, either we like it […]
Passive Aggressive Attachment
What is a passive aggressive attachment? Passive aggressive behavior from a husband is not a reaction to the present wife or the present relationship; rather, it is a learned model of interpersonal attachment, wired in a person’s brain early in life. It is a pattern learned from the interaction with the mother or caretaker, who […]