Passive Aggressive Husband

How passive aggressive can you be?

There is a long standing conversation about husbands and wives having a difference of opinion… about the husband being passive aggressive, no less! It goes more or less like this: She complains; he denies all responsibility; She suffers; he ignores her suffering and walks away; She gets educated or a therapist; he laughs at them; […]

Passive Aggression and Childhood Attachment

Childhood early experiences leave a permanent mark in our brains; they become our stories, the basis for our identities, and later on they shape our adult relationships because of our biological wiring. This is not a common idea because we basically tend to think of ourselves as independent, self-reliant individuals and this is a very strong […]

Passive Aggression Abuses Your Rights

There are many ways in which people use power to control and abuse others. This is especially true of passive aggressive behavior, which is often about making the PA look his best, while taking power from others and making them look or feel bad. Which of these ways is your passive aggressive husband using to […]