Should You Stay or Let Go a Bad Relationship?
If you are unhappy, why not let go of a bad relationship? You know are in the wrong relationship, deep in your truest gut feeling. However, you don’t tell that to anybody, not even to yourself…You get busy, muddle through and postpone any critical view of your situation for next day….which never comes. Why can it be? […]
Do you know about the art of letting go?
We hear a lot about the fact that sometimes the only solution for our pain is “letting go…” What does it mean, and why it looks so difficult to accomplish? Do you remember attachment? we have explained in several ways how attachment works and why do we need a good, secure attachment in our lives […]
How to live with a narcissistic partner, I
Are you asking yourself how to live with a narcissistic partner? We have been talking about concern for self and concern for others. In other words, self-focus and other focus. Any marriage is a yin and yang of this balance… Sometimes it tilts towards the other, then you focus on yourself, and back and […]