Passive Aggressive Husband

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If a loved one is excluding you, take care of your emotional needs!

Are Your Loved Ones Excluding You?  Survive the heart pain! When and how is our emotional need for love and connection denied on purpose? If you’ve been reading our blog, you know there are many ways to do this to each other, (cold shoulder, anyone?) and many ways to heal. In the interpersonal relationship field, […]

Can you do Fair Fighting to Save Your Love?

Do you know about fair fighting to save your love? ll your life you’ve been trying to make this relationship work. We all know that even good-intentioned efforts can fail when you try to live with other people in love and harmony all the time, and it’s natural to assume that differences will bring some […]

Want to be secure in a healthy relationship?

Well, this is a different opportunity…In the search for a change, for a deserved relief in the lives of so many of us under the monotony and emotional isolation of passive aggressive marriages, this is an open door to feel better. A conversation about exploring the benefits that can bring some hours or days of […]