Passive Aggressive Husband

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80% of Silent Men Feel They Have No Responsibility to Be Open With Loved Ones

Why are there so many silent men? 80% of men prefer to “clam up” and not share their personal thoughts with loved ones, in order to avoid feeling vulnerable, rejected or criticized. This is according to a survey recently conducted by Creative Conflict Resolutions, applied to their clients lists. Creative Conflict Resolutions tested more than […]

68% of Men Retreat and Say “Yes” To Avoid Fighting, or do Silent Treatment

Is it true that men prefer to say “YES” or be silent to avoid explaining themselves? More than 68% of men prefer to say “yes” and back down to avoid confrontation, according to a survey recently conducted by Creative Conflict Resolutions. Otherwise, they do the silent treatment…and believe they can get away with it. Creative […]

Teaching Your Husband to Stop: Is This the Cure for Your Unhappiness?

Over the years, most of what we’ve discussed here has been about how to deal with the impact of your husband’s passive aggressive behavior in your life. However, not much attention has gone to helping your husband understand what is going on, and to motivate him to change his ways. But now, we have created […]