Passive Aggressive Husband

Ending the Sadness of Passive Aggressive Relationships

    If you are thinking of ending the sadness of your passive aggressive relationship, you are not alone. For many wives of passive aggressive husbands, ending a passive aggressive relationship is often at the center of their thoughts. You may have tried many other alternatives, trying to salvage the relationship or convince your husband […]

A Passive Aggressive Marriage Breaking Point

What is a passive aggressive marriage breaking point? People have different times to process emotional contents…when one person is fast to acknowledge that for them there is a need to stop interactions and protect themselves, other person could still go on and deny their personal hurt a bit longer. There is also a gender difference; […]

How to Deal with Your Passive Aggressive Ex-Husband

In general, you need to remember that how parents work with each other after divorce has an impact on how well children will manage. And you do care about how your children develop later in life, and want them to navigate this divorce with the least amount of harm possible. It is important to respect […]