Passive Aggressive Husband

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A Passive Aggressive Marriage Stops Connection

Do we connect or do we stop connecting? Many researchers (whether of the brain, psychology or communication and conflict) will agree that when we communicate with others, we are attempting to connect with those people on some deeper emotional level. This is true of a hurled insult as well as a warm hug. That means […]

Can I count with your help? Are you my secure base?

Do you see me? do you love the things I love? We do all the time little requests for connection from/to each other. The usual “how do you do?” is an opening for a conversation that even when it does not happen, has the possibility installed there. And it is beneficial the same: we tell […]

Planning to Repair your Relationships?

This blog is a long term journey, thinking about how to promote happy, healthy relationships, that we walk through each day. And, -of course- there is crisis time! Yes, the holidays are approaching and we are confronted with the need to evaluate where we are now, and what do we want for the next year…. […]