Passive Aggressive Husband

I’m at my wit’s end with this lonely, sexless marriage!

  A dear reader, Paula has written a long comment in AskNora, that pushed me to reflect on the limitations of my work here. She tells about her lonely marriage. And I can’t personally embrace her, I can’t support her day-to-day up until the moment when she has her life back…so what can I still […]

How to resuscitate a dying marriage

Wishing to resuscitate a dying marriage just now?  I just received some reader’s letter, where she describes her utter desolation because she is watching her ex-husband doing to his new fiancée all those nice behaviors she was dreaming of: being attentive, showing care, sharing his time, introducing her to everyone, praising her in public, etc. […]

Does Society Allows Passive Aggressive Men?

Passive aggressive men share certain ideas about what makes a man “man” We know that passive aggressive behaviors originate from childhood pain and an inability to deal with painful emotions,  and that way men interact with women, especially in the home, is often dictated  through a system based on control and domination. Let’s say that […]