Passive Aggressive Husband

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How many times hubby needs you? let me count the ways

A most frustrating aspect of living with a passive aggressive man is that he has perfected the art of not following through on his agreements and promises. He takes on big projects but never finishes them, then tends to feel put upon or hostile if someone else tries to finish it. Often ignoring the constant […]

How a passive aggressive man ends a relationship?

husband's dettachment

How a passive-aggressive man ends a relationship? You are asking: if a husband is using passive-aggressive behaviors to control the relationship, is it possible that he would by himself, decide to leave? This is a complex question…it assumes that there has been a long term situation, in which he behaved in his “normal way”, the […]

Not Taking Personally Anything Done By an Abusive Husband is Forgiveness in Action!

Why Not Taking Anything Personally in Life is Forgiveness in Action! Let’s use some time today to learn how not taking anything personally in life is actually the expression of forgiveness in action. Why do you ask? Well, when we perceive someone or something that is upsetting us, this is happening because we are judging […]