Passive Aggressive Husband

End the Power Battle in Your Passive Aggressive Marriage

Are you doing the power battle in your passive aggressive marriage? End up feeling lonely and disconnected? Communicating your ideas in a passive aggressive marriage using a firm but still respectful way is an art that takes years to learn. We have to learn how to squash that frustration and/or hurt that pops up when […]

Some times, it’s just all out war at home…

Thinking on different styles of doing conflict, I came across this message from one of the visitors of AskNora: When I was asking about her relationship with her husband, she said: “With my ex? It was war at home. He thought he could wear me down until I gave up. He kept escalating his behavior […]

Count your blessings while recovering your power

Count your blessings now! If you are going to count your blessings in this season…I’d suggest that you can include an always forgotten element: your own power. What? you are going to say.. I’m here because there are so many aspects of my marriage that don’t work as I need them to…what can be a […]