Passive Aggressive Husband

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Your emotionally unavailable hubby hides behind tech toys?

brain cogVladgrin

 Too much technology around, and no talk? Remember the good old personal fights of yesterday? We used any opportunity for expressing ourselves with some shouting and strong words, when frustrated and or/disappointed.  Don’t take me wrong, personal fighting continues to be normal for a lot of people… What I see now is that normal, nonaggressive […]

How Attached is Your Passive Aggressive Husband to His Mom?

How attached is your passive aggressive husband to his mother, and how much she influences him? We know that our behaviors are formed by how much love or rejection our mothers give us when we are born and later growing up. But can his present relationship with his mother still influence your passive-aggressive husband’s behavior? […]

How passive aggressive resistance to growth destroys any remaining love

toxic relationship

Sometimes married women write to me asking for advice for desperate situations… Hubby’s silence and lack of decision-making drive them into a wall. There is a difference between doing silence as a unique way of dealing with a challenging situation and doing passive aggression as a way to stop and control the normal life in […]