What is behind the silence of a passive aggressive husband? anger or sadness?

What is behind the silence of a passive aggressive husband? anger or sadness? Why does it happen that good contact gets replaced by stubborn silence? and we just get silent treatment and sexless nights instead of the love we imagined? Is it work-pressure, lack of time or another love failure to account for this sad […]
The “Passive Aggressive Behavior” Meaning

When people ask: “what is the meaning of passive aggressive behavior?” After so many conversations about the passive-aggressive meaning we have had here, today I want to spell it in very clear terms: When people ask: “what is the meaning of passive-aggressive?” the simple and direct answer is: “Passive-aggressive behavior is a purposeful and disguised way […]
What if you had an early warning about his emotionally unavailable heart?
When did you realize he was behaving emotionally unavailable? Would you like to know from the start if your chosen one grew up with a lack of emotional response? I always imagine how my life would have been if someone had sent me a disclaimer, some timely information; some deep and true revelation about the […]