Passive Aggressive Husband

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If a loved one is excluding you, take care of your emotional needs!

Are Your Loved Ones Excluding You?  Survive the heart pain! When and how is our emotional need for love and connection denied on purpose? If you’ve been reading our blog, you know there are many ways to do this to each other, (cold shoulder, anyone?) and many ways to heal. In the interpersonal relationship field, […]

Is Your Partner Emotionally Unavailable ?

If you have an emotionally unavailable spouse, does him make you feel starved?    We connect with others in this life using the attachment models we learned in our families. So, perhaps when you were growing up, you could marvel at the different ways in which people treated each other in your friends own families? […]

Fair Fighting at the Holidays Can be Fulfilling, Not Frustrating

Wait, you want to be fair fighting during the holiday season, right? Family tension, long to-do lists, in-laws, calendars packed with events and parties… the holidays are fraught with possibilities for conflict.  Yet most people will tell you the last thing they want to do at Christmas is a fight, again.   Everyone wants the holidays […]