Passive Aggressive Husband

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How to Survive in a Sexless Passive Aggressive Marriage

The issue of a sexless passive aggressive marriage is difficult to understand, looks like a contradiction in terms. Why marry if you don’t want sex? It goes deeper… Sex as a means of control is something many women struggle with in a passive aggressive marriage, although it is a sensitive and private matter that most […]

Stop Suffering from a Sexless Marriage

Can Passive Aggression be the cause of a Sexless Marriage? We are living in times of extraordinary stress. Not only because the world around is changing fast, but because the gender balance is shifting…more and more I hear wives complaining about some aspect of their marriage that they took for granted time ago: male desire. […]

Escaping The Sexless Marriage Book

Escaping The Sexless Marriage, is it possible? All marriages have conflicts, that when not addressed touch all other areas of the relationship. Spouses have different styles and expectations about when, how much, in what style should they address each other, including how they connect sexually with each other. Controlling the partner using passive aggressive behaviors […]