Wishing to let go of the abusive husband in your life?

Wishing to let go of the abusive husband in your life? I know, I was thinking in the same vein…perhaps planning how to let go of old grudges and repair or forgive old hurts? Or perhaps stopping them from happening now for good? This season invites us to do this process of cleaning up what […]
How Attached is Your Passive Aggressive Husband to His Mom?
How attached is your passive aggressive husband to his mother, and how much she influences him? We know that our behaviors are formed by how much love or rejection our mothers give us when we are born and later growing up. But can his present relationship with his mother still influence your passive-aggressive husband’s behavior? […]
Forgiving yourself to start relationship repair?

Forgiving yourself starts relationship repair! I know that sometimes, you feel at the end of your rope….tired and empty from being in a poor relationship. It gets even worst in this time of the year, with so many pictures of happy families…like you have to face the very image of what is painfully missing from […]