Passive Aggressive Husband

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Are Passive Aggressive Holidays Making You Miserable?

If you are living in a passive aggressive marriage, do you feel like you just can’t stand another holiday with this person  but can’t imagine spending a holiday alone?   The holidays often bring on a confusing increase in passive aggressive behaviors, as well as a heightened sensitivity to the pain these behaviors inflict, making you question […]

Two To Tango? The Dance of A Passive Aggressive Husband And His Victim Wife

Living with a passive aggressive man is very frustrating because he doesn’t follow through on his agreements and promises. He takes on projects but doesn’t finish them, then tends to feel put upon or hostile if someone else tries to finish them. His wife perceives that he ignores his responsibilities and agreements on purpose, and […]

Why does my husband repress his emotions?

 If your husband represses emotions, what is left for you to do? We, women, spend much time talking about how we feel. Men instead are used to repress their emotions.  We keep sharing our emotional reactions to life’s situations:  who did what to us and add a description of how we feel about it.  Sometimes, […]