Passive Aggressive Husband

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Silent Treatment Turns to Anger at the Holidays

The Silent Treatment causing anger at the holidays is not an oxymoron! Holidays bring out emotions in many of us that we are not used to dealing with the rest of the year, often feelings that are unexpected or even confusing.  The worst of those emotions anger that simmers or surfaces that can cause us […]

Nurture Your Emotional Needs, Enjoy the Holidays

Nurture Your Emotional Needs, Enjoy the Holidays In many families, emotional needs are under attack by snide comments and frustrating, irritating actions that can pile up faster than presents under the tree at the holidays.  Our worst sides show, as do those of our loved ones, rather than the best when the pressure of the […]

Extra Holiday Help with a Thanksgiving gift for you!

Do you wish to have extra holiday help now?  Somehow, out of our hearts’ needs, you as a reader and we as bloggers connected before. In the past, we offered some ideas, you responded, and since then we have had this online conversation throughout your life and ours…. Something invisible, called trust has been developing. […]