Passive Aggressive Husband

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Passive Aggressive Attachment

What is a passive aggressive attachment? Passive aggressive behavior from a husband is not a reaction to the present wife or the present relationship; rather, it is a learned model of interpersonal attachment, wired in a person’s brain early in life. It is a pattern learned from the interaction with the mother or caretaker, who […]

Are you hiding your emotional needs under a “nice person” mask?

Are you presenting a “nice person” image of yourself to avoid all confrontations, but keep feeling fake or left out? Is emotional damage now hidden in your present life? As a child you always wanted to be accepted, and you learned some tricks that gave results for a while. Creating a strong image of a […]

Who are you? Emotional abuse makes you feel alienated and lost?

Can I ask your attention now, so you can remember who you really are?   We are the product of many ongoing interactions. The “YOU” that woke up this morning in your own bed and is now writing this, is the handiwork of parents and friends, siblings and acquaintances. Your groups have a hand on […]