Passive Aggressive Husband

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Your emotionally unavailable hubby hides behind tech toys?

brain cogVladgrin

 Too much technology around, and no talk? Remember the good old personal fights of yesterday? We used any opportunity for expressing ourselves with some shouting and strong words, when frustrated and or/disappointed.  Don’t take me wrong, personal fighting continues to be normal for a lot of people… What I see now is that normal, nonaggressive […]

Are you hiding your emotional needs under a “nice person” mask?

Are you presenting a “nice person” image of yourself to avoid all confrontations, but keep feeling fake or left out? Is emotional damage now hidden in your present life? As a child you always wanted to be accepted, and you learned some tricks that gave results for a while. Creating a strong image of a […]

Healing yourself from emotional abuse? Lessons learned here!

Healing yourself from emotional abuse? There is a long way to be able of completely healing yourself from emotional abuse. I don’t believe in blaming the abuse victim, and at the same time I’ve always subscribed to the philosophy that we are all somehow responsible for our own happiness. This does not mean we are […]