Passive Aggressive Husband

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Five Tools For A Healthy Relationship

How to have a healthy relationship? Sometimes, I get asked the formula for happiness. Marital happiness, I mean, not any other…and after so many posts mapping loneliness, mistrust, and emotional abandonment, I feel that I can say something about the pillars of a decent, satisfactory married life. Please, consider this my own private wish list… […]

Can Valentine’s Day make your healthy relationship happier?

Can Valentine’s Day help to make your healthy relationship happier? Valentine is an opportunity to express warm feelings to each other. What is the difference you want this Valentine’s day? Perhaps: – your buddy expressing his intention to celebrate you being in his life; -having him preparing a special outing for both; -receiving from him […]

How Can You Be Happy Again?

Are you wondering how can you be happy again? It has been said that marriage is the last chance we have to grow up. The main factor is that a marriage is a relationship where we choose the partner, and we select this person in purpose to play the most important role of our grown up lives, to […]