Having your Conflict Coach helps when changing behaviors

How is having a conflict coach connected with a sporting challenge? Felix Baumgartner faced an almost unthinkable challenge last weekend and of course, the fear that naturally went with it. The challenge and the fear nearly kept him from achieving his incredible goal, a goal that had become mightily important to him despite the risks he […]
Five ways to use direct talk with a passive aggressive husband
Five tricks to use straight talk with a passive-aggressive husband. While it is difficult to be a partner of a man who continually frustrates you with his passive-aggressive behavior, there are some things that a woman can do to break into his noninvolvement pattern. There must be a way to end the loneliness, […]
What is behind the silence of a passive aggressive husband? anger or sadness?

What is behind the silence of a passive aggressive husband? anger or sadness? Why does it happen that good contact gets replaced by stubborn silence? and we just get silent treatment and sexless nights instead of the love we imagined? Is it work-pressure, lack of time or another love failure to account for this sad […]