Passive Aggressive Husband

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Two To Tango? The Dance of A Passive Aggressive Husband And His Victim Wife

Living with a passive aggressive man is very frustrating because he doesn’t follow through on his agreements and promises. He takes on projects but doesn’t finish them, then tends to feel put upon or hostile if someone else tries to finish them. His wife perceives that he ignores his responsibilities and agreements on purpose, and […]

How to have your holidays passive-aggression free?

Wishing to have holidays passive-aggression free? In the hurried process of getting the house, and the children and the party preparations running smoothly, you are bumping into a big boulder sitting in your living room. As soon as you try to enroll him into preparations for holiday visits, parties or mere festive grocery-shopping, you find […]

Help: I am single and yet stuck in a marriage with three children!

  I’m stuck in a marriage with three children! she wrote… Some days ago, this posting landed in our comments section, and it was really painful to read. Once you overcome the shock of the pairing of two words that are opposite (who can be single being in a marriage?)  the stark, basic truth hits […]