Passive Aggressive Husband

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Seven keys to grow your self-esteem

How to grow your self-esteem  Life demands a complicated balance…we are asked to care for the relationship, be ready to listen and understand our partner, and at the same time, coming almost last, is our self-growth. Why is this so? postponing ourselves is doing nothing but forcing us to try to do things for others […]

Being grateful under duress shows a strong self-esteem

Being grateful under duress shows a strong self-esteem?     This is a hard question, even for me. There are some moments in my own life, that the only answer at that time would be: “Nothing to be grateful for here, there is too much pain…” Like when I was under constant death threats by […]

Do you know about the art of letting go?

We hear a lot about the fact that sometimes the only solution for our pain is “letting go…” What does it mean, and why it looks so difficult to accomplish? Do you remember attachment? we have explained in several ways how attachment works and why do we need a good, secure attachment in our lives […]