Forgiving yourself to start relationship repair?

Forgiving yourself starts relationship repair! I know that sometimes, you feel at the end of your rope….tired and empty from being in a poor relationship. It gets even worst in this time of the year, with so many pictures of happy families…like you have to face the very image of what is painfully missing from […]
Do you want to begin a new year with a clean slate?
This is a new proposition for better relationships at home, this new year. DO you remember the old stories from medieval times, when warring armies would stop the ongoing war and have a peace interval to honor Christmas? The truce story is part of all narratives of combat: the moment when soldiers did stop attacking […]
How to resuscitate a dying marriage
Wishing to resuscitate a dying marriage just now? I just received some reader’s letter, where she describes her utter desolation because she is watching her ex-husband doing to his new fiancée all those nice behaviors she was dreaming of: being attentive, showing care, sharing his time, introducing her to everyone, praising her in public, etc. […]