Passive Aggressive Husband

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A Passive Aggressive Marriage Stops Connection

Do we connect or do we stop connecting? Many researchers (whether of the brain, psychology or communication and conflict) will agree that when we communicate with others, we are attempting to connect with those people on some deeper emotional level. This is true of a hurled insult as well as a warm hug. That means […]

A passive aggressive marriage creates emotional isolation

What is the impact of passive aggression in your life? This week I received several calls, one from such a distance place as Australia, all coming from women in their 50-60s that were asking a similar question…What happened to my life, that I ended up with so much emotional isolation from my husband? What’s up […]

Warrior strategies to survive a passive aggressive marriage

To survive a passive-aggressive marriage and keep your self-esteem high, you need a change of mindset FAIR WARNING: If you are a loving, tender, and dedicated wife, who wants to have a loving marriage, why are you here? You’d better find another website, more appropriate by telling you how to enhance marital happiness. To survive […]