Passive Aggressive Husband

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Why Passive Aggressive Men are so Attractive?

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The attraction of passive aggressive men Quite often, we’ll have comments from readers wondering how they could have been so blind to their spouse’s passive aggressive behavior and the toxic feelings they create. Some wives admit that they went back to their husbands’ multiple times, acquiescing to what the husbands wanted, without really knowing why […]

The Right Moment to Leave a Passive Aggressive Marriage?

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When is the right moment to leave? Some time ago, among the many letters from readers, a reader under the name “Kitten” wrote: “I have read the information in this blog. The “changes” in men seem to be because they “see the light” of their horrid ways.  How many times does that happen in real […]

The vicious circle of a passive aggressive marriage

The vicious circle of interaction in a passive-aggressive marriage The starting point is not clear. Perhaps she is taking over all domestic responsibilities by herself and he is enjoying the free ride; After some time, she begins resenting the load, and complains to him; He refuses to “understand the problem” and what is expected of […]