Site icon Passive Aggressive Husband

Passive Aggressive Control Is Emotional Control, too

Sometimes you'll hear from other "experts" that passive aggression is not emotional abuse. This is wrong!

This conclusion can limit your resources and limit the way you think about your relationship with a passive aggressive husband. Passive aggression (as you know) is about control and command of the relationship. This behavior not only disconnects you from your husband - it keeps you isolated and ostracized as "punishment" or "retaliation." As a result, a person who uses passive aggressive behaviors on others is actively producing pain, by controlling the interactions and what they mean ("I will do this to create that effect").

Here are some traits of passive aggression (from Buzzle)





As you can see, these are all behaviors that engage in and produce psychological trauma, anxiety, depression and fear in the receiver - the definition of emotional abuse! For some, realizing and accepting that passive aggression is emotional abuse can be a new and forbidding territory, but for others, this conclusion is nothing new. However, it is a realization that needs to take place in order to name the abuse for what it is.

Are you suffering from your husband's emotional abuse? Talk to us today with a free coaching session, or seek solutions for your husband at Stop Your Passive Aggression.


Neil Warner
I'm the “relationship guru,” and my main focus is to increase the quality of love-based relationship experiences. I offer useful strategies on healing a difficult angry relationship with love and compassion. You don't have to suffer alone in an unhealthy relationship for one more minute. Let us share our tools with you today.You can begin with our passive aggressive system created just for men, at Stop Your Passive Aggression, with a plan for action to change your life with new skills included. Just click this link and get started now!


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