Passive Aggressive Husband

How to Heal Damage from a Passive Aggressive Marriage

Steps to Heal Damage from a Passive Aggressive Marriage!

passive aggressive marriage


This is my Xmas message, and I want to be sure you get an inspiring message from here!

Being in a passive-aggressive marriage slowly chips away at important parts of your self-esteem.

Why not using the end of the year as an opportunity to make a simple plan for your survival and happiness?

As the average wife takes several years compiling the information, to get to a realistic appraisal of her situation means that some damage is already done when she verifies the presence of PA in her relationship.


Please, can you look at the possible main impacts:


Even if you are still feeling insecure about why you feel this way, you need to decide, here and now, that you are a person worthy of attention: This is a task that nobody can do for you: you need to begin just NOW to work on appreciating yourself. Perhaps the impact of your husband's lack of appreciation is building upon a deficient self-image from your childhood? More reason to make a commitment with yourself, and begin accepting that you can't keep waiting to feel better through his positive comments. You need to know your own worth regardless of what other people see in you.
There is more help in this Kindle book, as you will find a complete map to reinforce self-esteem and detach from the impact of your husband's lack of appreciation.
You don't need to know why he is doing it, the only aspect that matters now is the progressive damage it can do to your identity. Boosting Your Self Esteem: Be Your Own Heroine! Waiting for your comments, and suggestions....
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