Passive Aggressive Husband

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Battle Hymn of the Emotionally Unavailable Man!

emotionally unavailable

Battle Hymn of the Emotionally Unavailable Man After researching the behavior of emotionally unavailable men for a long time, I have found this exquisite piece that covers all the aspects of this careful strategy. Remember, this man is doing a very carefully engineered facade to show the world that he is a loving, committed husband […]

Your emotionally unavailable hubby hides behind tech toys?

brain cogVladgrin

 Too much technology around, and no talk? Remember the good old personal fights of yesterday? We used any opportunity for expressing ourselves with some shouting and strong words, when frustrated and or/disappointed.  Don’t take me wrong, personal fighting continues to be normal for a lot of people… What I see now is that normal, nonaggressive […]

What if you had an early warning about his emotionally unavailable heart?

When did you realize he was behaving emotionally unavailable? Would you like to know from the start if your chosen one grew up with a lack of emotional response? I always imagine how my life would have been if someone had sent me a disclaimer, some timely information; some deep and true revelation about the […]