Can you have intimacy with respect for your own emotional needs?
Having intimacy with respect means that you can trust the other person to respect your emotional needs! We are all people in development, with our own issues that can sometimes hurt others…not out of malice, but ignorance and lack of skills at containing each other. Relationships are the schools that teach us how to be […]
Emotional Needs Shape both Crisis and Resilience in our Lives
Crisis and Resilience go together, But We learn best under duress!
We all go through rough periods when we feel that being under duress, and responding to unexpected pressures coming from all angles, but our own needs go unattended.
When emotional needs are ignored, what we need to have is conflicts!
Sometimes, couples fight to reconnect because their emotional needs are ignored Of all the issues included in past posts, comments, and insights about emotional needs in a couple, today I want to offer a basic piece of information that perhaps can be a big “aha” point in your day. When we talk about different […]