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Are you kept in fear of your abusive husband?

narcissistic husbandWhy keeping a woman in a constant state of fear is the right thing to do, for some husbands

This is a shared post, that I bring here because it illustrates the same male thinking underneath passive aggressive mindset: the need to subdue and control the wife, and have her in "her right place."

Why I want you to read it? because, even when it is very painful to read...there is the basic structure of this kind on mindset, very well described. Either the husband exercises his control over her, even isolating and kicking her out of the house, or he risks to show that he fears her. No equality between husband and wife, here...but strong concealment of his fear of being dominated.

Responding to comments from a men’s rights activist on a posting about finding enjoyment in sex with a wife who grudgingly agrees, the host of a website providing tips on proper Biblical “gender roles” agreed that keeping a woman in a constant state of fear is an appropriate way to control her actions.

Pointing to a column he wrote on “Female dread,” Rollo Tomassi explained that Christian men go about seeking sex with women all wrong by trying to “diffuse sexual anxiety and tension.” Instead, Tomassi said husbands should make their wives “unintentionally uncomfortable” in order to achieve “the rough, hard-core, make-up sex you never thought you’d have.”

Larry Solomon of Biblical Gender Roles agreed enthusiastically — albeit from a biblical perspective —  writing: “So should a wife biblically speaking have a little healthy fear or dread of her husband? Absolutely!

According to Solomon — who agreed with Tomassi’s distaste for feminism — the Bible says that women should submit to their husbands “’as unto the Lord’ (Ephesians 5:22)”

Solomon lamented the fact that he believes that most Christian husbands fear their wives.

“Men show their wives they are either afraid to lose them (be alone) or afraid of the prospect of divorce and the financial or child custody repercussions that it may bring, ” he wrote.

Solomon suggested that Christian husbands should use what he calls the “there’s the door” method.

So when a woman acts out in rebellion toward her husband and tries to act as if she does not need her husband or that other men would treat her better the Christian husband should tell his wife “there’s the door”.  Will some women be foolish enough to walk out that door? Yes, ” he wrote. ” But the moment a man allows his wife to put him in a position of fearing her, rather than her fearing him, the relationship has just changed from the design God intended it to be.”

Solomon added that there is a limit to what a husband needs to provide for his wife and that the minimums  should be withdrawn if she gets out of line.

“While we are required to know our wives and talk to them, that does not mean we need to spend every bit of our free time in conversation with them. We do not need to hang on every word our wife says. While we are required to give them food, clothing and shelter – that food does not have be the fancy food she wants, that clothing does not have to be the fancy clothing she wants and that house does not have to be the fancy house she wants,” he wrote, before adding that one night of wild sex is insufficient.

“I don’t just mean she just rocks his world one night, and then he lavishes her with all these things.  No – she sees that in order to get ‘some’ of her wants met she must FIRST reverence her husband outside the bedroom and she must ravish him inside the bedroom and this becomes the pattern of her behavior toward her husband. He explained. "If either the reverence or ravishing goes down, he pulls back on these other things so she understands the correlation.”

All this to conceal that he fears her? perhaps we need to dig more into this hidden fear of the wife so strong that he needs to execute strict wife control in order to feel secure...And I apologize for bringing this painful piece of writing here...the mechanics of wife control  are so clearly described that you will find this article very educational.

Here is the post of original link, but this link now is not active:

(First published in 2015)

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