Passive Aggressive Husband

Choosing Aggression Means Less Appreciation

  In a relationship, because we see our partner as someone we “choose,” we expect them to give us all the attention we crave. This is contrasted to relatives who are given to us, not chosen, and who don’t always give us the support we need. All humans are self-esteem machines – like expensive cars, […]

New System to End Your Husband’s Passive Aggression!

We know you’ve been reading frantically reading our articles for answers and are still wondering to yourself – “How can I get my husband to realize he needs to fix his passive aggression?” For a long time, we’ve been researching this ourselves, just as anxious as you to help families and marriages become happy and […]

Stop Passive Aggression From Hurting Your Life!

It can take passive aggressive people years, even lifetimes, to realize the truth about their own behavior. When they do, it often comes as a huge blow to see how they have hurt those they loved and maimed the relationships that were “important” to them.   They go from saying things like, “There is no […]